Campaign Workers Reached
Campaign Effectiveness
2x Inquiries
Number of Applications Created
MSI (Marie Stopes International) is an NGO providing contraception, safe abortion services, high-quality medical packages for gynecological infections and cervical cancer as well as recommend some family planning measures that enable women all over the world to choose their own futures.

The Challenge: Empowering women
The challenge is to empower these workers to step outside of their comfort zone to get healthcare testing services. The mindset of Vietnamese women, especially low-income factory workers apart from paying the expensive fees for healthcare services, most women try to avoid these services because they are afraid of finding out of any potential healthcare issues. Furthermore, finding out certain health issues will put them in a position of “culture shame” and reproach among their families and friends.
Many ideas were sketched
We sketched out many ideas for the key visuals, but only a few stood out. We knew what we must do. Capture these ideas in real life.

The what “could be” concept
From working with the client we discovered that women, like everyone else, hates seeing the doctor. Most mothers and wife also prioritize their family over themselves. We knew that if we could flip the perspective and showed the women that taking care of themselves is also taking care of their family we could get women to engage more.
The concept Align came up with was to show the women a photo of themselves sick juxtaposed with their happy family life. Their happy family photo is overlaid with a sad photos of their mother in the hospital and sick.
Campaign applications for engagements
We knew we had a great concept, but how do we get busy working women to approach, talk, and try out the health services. We designed gift pages, posters, banners, booths, booklets, and social media through facebook and Zalo to attract workers.