We work together as pioneers, building remarkable websites, compelling digital stories.
The roadmap
PAC meeting and goals
This is the first time we introduce you to our whole team and also meet your team. The goal of the meeting is to sets project foundation. Establish schedule, expectations, exchange essential information for the success of the project.
Design Style
Our team will research style, colors, typographies, illustrations and other design elements to put together inspiration boards that aligns with your brand and fits with your target customer.
Content and wireframe
Setup the sitemap, layout content and outline, and design the wireframe.
Homepage design
Homepage is the entrance of the house which will set the impression for the whole site. We design the homepage first to be the guideline for the remainder of the page. The homepage will allow you to have a feel of what you are looking for.
Design the Website
We leverage the homepage design as a blueprint to desgin all remaining pages.
Build the Homepage
We start the development process by building template parts, custom blocks for themes, and custom query loops with possible assistance of multiple plugins.
Build the remaining pages
At this stage, we start to engage quality control with the pages already coded while continuing working on development of the whole site.
SEO the website
We continue to improve rating on main pages until the site gets a Green score (90-100 points) by adding Meta and SEO.
Pre-launch checks
Final check to make sure all details have been implemented and tested.
Launch & Celebrate
We will hand over a unique User guide tailored to your project and provide guidance to ensure the site performance.